Monday, November 17, 2014

Jamberry Seven Day Wear Challenge

Hello lovelies! I'm officially back from vacation. Yay for my blog! Boo for being away from my boo. And no, I don't actually call him that, but I couldn't resist just this once. My return home means I can officially work on wrapping up my Chalkboard Nails 31 Day Challenge  2014. Today I have a manicure inspired my sailboat shirt and Jamberry nail wraps pattern Lunar Landing; which I'm using for day 26 in the challenge.
I received a sample Lunar Landing wrap (one wrap, used for ~2 nails) from the lovely consultant June Love asking me to do a seven day wear challenge of their nail wrap and a polish. I choice to pair Lunar Landing with butter LONDON Royal Navy. I did use my go to butter LONDON base and topcoat on polished nails as well.
These nail wraps require heat for application; I easily used my travel hairdryer. I can go through this process more in a later post if there's interest. I elected to apply the full nail wraps before my polish to avoid smudging; however, I did apply the wraps to my nail tips after my polish was dry.
As you can see, the nail wraps I applied over the polish did not hold up well in the seven day wear challenge. They came off on days 3 & 4; however, I think my heat source may not have been hot enough (as I learned with a later wrap application).
There is some minor tip wear on the remaining nail wraps; otherwise, they held up remarkably well. My polish actually only had tip wear until an hour before I took the after photo; which is pretty standard for butter LONDON polishes on my nails (4-7 days). I was on vacation during this trial, and was able to be more gentle on my nails than I can on home.
Overall, I was really impressed with Jamberry nail wraps and have actually ordered some for myself since. They can be worn up to 2 weeks on the nails (longer on the toes), and take a beating much better than standard polish. I will say, there is a bit of a learn curve to application, but practice fixes that. I think the fun patterns/metallic finishes, time saved, and no dry time are worth it. I travel often, and the ease of taking these wraps with me was a huge selling point. If you have any questions June Love would glad answer them for you. I hope you all have a wonderful week! #31DC2014