Saturday, October 4, 2014

Erin Fetherston Ready-to-Wear Spring 2015 Nails

I'm finally getting around to posting day 25 of Chalkboard Nails 31 Day Challenge  2014, inspired by fashion. When perusing looks from New York Fashion Weeks Spring/Summer 2015 I came across a gorgeous striped skirt in Erin Fetherston's Ready-to-Wear collection.
I really loved the silver/gray stripes over the sheer background, which reminded me a bit of the negative space trend that's been big in the nail art community. Rather than do negative space stripes, I decided to use a sheer gray base under the predominant solid stripes.
I don't own many sheer/jelly polishes because I prefer cremes; so I created my own using a mixture nail polish thinner with Julep Erin (light gray) and Daria (dark gray). I applied one coat. Once dry, I used the Julep Plie Wand System (which I finally broke down and tried out) to apply stripes with both Erin and Daria. I also used the wand to apply my base polish concoction and it worked wonderfully.
I finished everything off with a layer of Seche Vite Topcoat; and unfortunately, I smudged my pinky AND pointer finger badly prior to photographing (something I always have a problem with when I use Seche Vite). I tried to fix up my pointer, but it was never perfect so please divert your eyes to the other nails.
Overall, I really like the concept of a sheer base with nail art atop it so you may be seeing more of this on the blog. I enjoy the concept of negative spaces, but this is really more up my alley for everyday. Are you a fan of the negative space trend happening this year? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. I'm going to finish #31DC2014 soon! Right!?!